13 January 2011

Zoltor the Fortune Teller

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the fortune teller machines you see sometimes in arcades.  I think the last one I remember seeing in operation was in the entry lobby to the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA.  Come to think of it...  I might still have the fortune card from that visit somewhere...

I have always wanted to own one of these machines, but one thing or another has prevented me.  I was living in an apartment up until a couple years ago, so I had never had the space for one.  Now that I have a house, I have other things I should be spending the money I would be paying for one on.

While I was browsing the iTunes App Store recently, there he was... Zoltor the Fortune Teller.  While not a complete answer to my desire to own a life-sized version, the iPhone version is aesthetically pleasing and creepy enough to keep me satisfied.  Not to mention being $6,899.01 cheaper than a new Zoltar from Characters Unlimited.

There are a handful of fortune telling apps on the App Store, but I think this one has the best graphics.  Zoltor doesn't really "speak", but his movements are accompanied by mechanical whirring and clacking.

I haven't bought any of the other apps, so I'm basing my assessment of them strictly on the screenshots that were provided.  If anyone decides to check any of the others out, I would be interested in hearing what you think of them.

Start screen.

Choose to receive your fortune or today's lucky number.

Zoltor stirs!

Zoltor is about to speak!  Or maybe it's just indigestion...

Zoltor's fortunes are much like those of any other psychic.

Maybe I should consult Zoltor before I buy my next PowerBall ticket.

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